There is nothing more distracting than sitting at a messy desk or trying to find something in a file cabinet with overflowing papers and files.
In a big office it can be easy to lose items. A jar of paperclips, a stapler, and scissors can get easily lost in the mix.
Assign Items a Color
Assorted color coding labels can help you tackle your office space. Rectangle labels work great for placing directly on different items. This helps prevent your stapler from never coming back or getting lost once someone borrows it.

Give Files a Name
Rectangle labels work perfect for labeling manila folders and envelopes. Sorting the files by color is the first layer of organization. Write any details directly on the label to specify what is held in each folder.

Permanent labels will probably work fine for labeling folders or envelopes. You might consider removable labels for color coding items which you might want to remove the label from at some point.
Dispenser Boxes Full of Labels
The labels are avilable on both sheets and also dispenser boxes. This keeps them from getting bent or lost!

Also, check out the article on Customized Labeling with Color Coding Tape for more ideas!