Since we were little kids, color has been a part of all our personalities. We pick our favorite color from a box of crayons, and from that point on, it's something that becomes intimately ours, from security questions online, to a test we have to take before we cross a bridge in a Monty Python movie.
Today we're asking about your favorite color! Share it with us by taking the survey below, and tell us what makes it your favorite! We'll share some of our favorite responses on our social accounts and here in a future blog post!
We'll share too!
Joe - ChromaLabel Co-Owner and Burnt Orange Aficionado
My chroma journey started when I was just "knee high to a grasshopper". The very first shade I can remember being my favorite was a darker shade of blue - not quite navy but deeper than royal blue (I'm one of those custom color guys). It seemed that it has a great blend between utility and class.
Later on, in my adolescent life, I really liked how blacks and yellows looked together and for a while my favorite color was yellow. Over time, I found it to be difficult on the eyes (I was using it for EVERYTHING) and was forced to cast my color-love glance elsewhere.
As my visual palette matured, I have been on the hunt for the perfect burnt orange. Something that has some browns in it. I like a deeper orange vs something that is brighter and flashier.
Andrew - ChromaLabel Co-Owner & Pompous Idiot
Dammit, Joe, you stole my thunder! I love orange too. In fact my first business I started was named Orange151. 151 is the color code in the Pantone color system (the standard used by printers and designers) for a specific shade of bright orange that I've always loved.
When I was younger though, I wanted to stand out even more than just bright orange - I thought it would be really unique to smugly answer "clear" when someone asked me my favorite color. Turns out people just kinda thought I was a weird jerk, and then they'd tag me even harder in dodge ball during Phys Ed.
Yeah, it was sort of a pompous thing to say. You can judge me. Hell, I judge me. But now I'm really fortunate to work with hundreds of different colors every single day!